The Delivery, Part 2

Bruno ‘Vertigo’ Wolfe

Bruno32112Explorer & Veteran

The story so far…

  • Part 1 – A delivery goes astray and a body is found. A threat from the past may be close and a suspicious item is found. The fuzz have arrived.

Dramatis personae

  • Wild Pegasus – ship name, P326AN
  • Fletcher – a dead colonist


  • Curtis ‘Deadeye’ Blackstone
  • Faye ‘Shadow’ Dykstra
  • Kayla ‘Fixer’ Valk
  • Magnus ‘Mole’ Taylan
  • [police] SGT Christa Hobbs
  • [police] Cole Jin

The delivery, Part 2

Warehouse at Apex Depot


I nodded. We were standing at the entrance to the warehouse and the two police officers Hobbs and Jin, stared at me for a moment and shook their heads. I explained that I had found the door open and went in for a look, triggering the trap as I entered. I had no idea what I would find inside (the late Fletcher).

Christa asks me go back into the warehouse and run through what happened. Kayla stays outside while we do this just in-case there’s further booby-traps; and Jin stays at the door.

Christa Hobbs & Cole Jin
Bruno/Gather Information: action(6)+wits(2) vs. 1,6 = Strong Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Strengthen (67), Relationship (96)

I take it easy this time, checking the floor for more traps and find none. Walking slowly does allow me to see more of the building. Especially, the destruction that wrecked the warehouse’s contents. I could even see some footprints along the floor. Hobbs and I stop every now and again to discuss something we spot and slowly build up a picture of what may have happened.

In one way this was fun: we bounced ideas of each other as we walked though the warehouse examining the wreckage. We even swapped a bit about ourselves and history (censored I’m sure). Of course, the fun disappeared when we came to Fletcher’s body. I mentioned before that he’d been shot in the back, but now that I had more time to examine the scene I could see the path he took through the warehouse: there’s a sleeping bag near the generator and there’s footprints in a straight line to the rear of the warehouse where there’s an emergency fire door. We knelt down next to Fletcher’s body and examined it with care this time. We can’t touch the body as the official medical examiner is heading this way. Hobbs thinks it will be an hour or so before they arrive.

Treating Hobbs as a KINDRED/Skilled asset:
"When you make a move outside of combat aided by your companion’s expertise, add +1."

Bruno/Gather Information: action(6)+wits(2)+1 vs. 4,2 = Strong Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Hold (29), Truth (89)

On closer examination it’s clear that Fletcher has been searched: his clothing is in disarray and one of the pocket has been turned inside-out. There are some coins scattered around the body and lying to the side is an old game console that has been crushed.

The game console grabs my attention…

Don’t these consoles have a slot for memory cards?

Hobbs grins and picks up the device and after examining the ruined console finds a small memory card.

Nothing else catches our attention and we exit the warehouse. Kayla and Jin are on the other side of the road conversing. Our exit seemed to catch them off guard and they walked toward us.

Q: Will Kayla/Jin try to steal the memory card? Unlikely
YES/NO(22) = Yes