Dawnshore (Coop), Part 1


Arlo and Zanita

Arlo32324Skirmisher, Scry & Wayfinder
Zanita22334Hound, Infiltrator & Sword Master

Dramatis personae

  • Emelyn - a mother of dubious morals
  • Griff - intermediary / henchman
  • Jaggar - a lost lighthouse keeper
  • Jemshida - a very lost boy
  • Morter - an elder of the town and its blacksmith
  • Saskia & Keelan - village fishermen
  • Talan - big bad

Game: https://www.ironswornrpg.com/

Note: this is the same scenario as my solo run of Dawnshore.

Arlo and Zanita

Gambling debts

What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!

I know what you shouldn’t do… try to cheat them at cards. Damn it, one of them was pretending to be drunk (the cheater!) and noticed the extra cards we played. Someone started a fight (I think it was Zanita) and we managed to inflict enough damage to escape.

Unfortunately we were at sea: sailing along the Ragged Coast. The only option was to jump ship, the shore was close by and a nearby hill seemed to be on fire. The problem with hasty exits is that our weapons and gear was left back on the ship. It wasn’t a difficult swim except for the shouts and curses coming from the ship as it sailed away with our gear.

We made it ashore and rested for a while. A narrow path lead up from the beach to the hilltop and we started walking up the path towards the fire.



We crept up the path and stopped just before the hilltop to scout out the area.

Gather Information: action(6)+wits(4) vs. 4,6 = Strong Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Surrender (13), Ruin (74)

A the top of the hill was the ruins of an old tower - the fire that I saw is a large bonfire close to the tower. It was located on the side of the hill facing the sea, perhaps it is a makeshift lighthouse. Piles of wood lay around the old courtyard and there was no sign of life.

Further investigation confirmed that there was no one here and we rested besides the fire. The warmth of the fire was very welcome after the swim and once we thawed out we searched the tower for supplies.

Resupply: action(4)+wits(4) vs. 1,5 = Strong Hit [supply = 2]
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Aid (33), Balance (24)

QUESTION: Is there any weapons in the tower? 50/50 = 98 (Yes)

We got lucky. There’s a small room at the bottom of the tower that looks like it is used as accommodation for whoever looks after the fire. There was a small amount of food and drink store in a cupboard, as well as a some weapons: a spear for myself and a short sword for Zanita.

We grabbed everything we could carry and searched the rest of the ruins. There was nothing else of use. We decided to spend the night in a smaller room upstairs: it was easy to block off the door and there was a large enough gap in the wall to allow us to escape if it was necessary. We fell asleep with the glow of the fire lighting the room.

Nothing disturbed us overnight and we awoke just before dawn. The fire had burnt itself out and I hope that it was not necessary for the lighthouse keeper to shop up in the morning: I assume that they would be here later in the afternoon to restart the fire. I walked out to the edge of the hill and looked out into the land below me. This hill was situated on one side of an entrance into a small secluded harbour. A small village was at my right (north-west) almost occupying one side of the harbour. It seemed to be separated into two districts - a handful of houses situated along the harbour edge and a similar number further inland.

We gathered the supplies and started walking towards the village. There was a well-worn path at the bottom of the hill - the path was paved but it had seen better days. Clearly it hadn’t been maintained for a while but still very useable. It headed off in two directions: along the coast line towards the village and a second branch heading west into the wilderness.

We don’t know the area so staying our of sight is probably a good idea until we know more about the inhabitants. Our plan is to avoid the path and travel along the edge of the forest keeping close to the path, but giving us the opportunity to seek shelter in the forest if we encounter other people.

Undertake a Journey: action(4)+wits(4) vs. 6,8 = Weak Hit [supply-1 = 1]

Perhaps travelling through the forest was a bad idea. As soon as we started moving through the forest it closed in on us and the ground became muddy and difficult to navigate. To our west is a pair of hills with a fetid swamp sitting between them. The swampy ground extends just enough to affect our travel and after a few hours we stop for a quick meal and change direction to move away from the swamp.

Undertake a Journey: action(6)+wits(4) vs. 3,10 = Weak Hit [supply-1 = 0]
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Challenge (63), Leader (11)

The going got easier as we moved away from the swamp. We stopped at a small clearing where the bleached, mouldering bones of some long dead animal lie partially buried in the soil. I have no idea what it was, but it was a little bigger than a cow but it had an odd shape to it.

Resupply: action(6)+wits(4) vs. 6,6 = Strong+match  [supply+3 = 3]

Our food was running out and we decided to forage for more supplies. Luckily I managed to bring down a deer with my spear and we dined on venison. And with full bellies we continued: I can see the village ahead through the trees.

Undertake a Journey: action(2)+wits(4) vs. 3,1 = Strong Hit [momentum+1; supply-1 = 2]

Reach Your Destination vs. 3,10 = TODO
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Reveal (47), Shelter (10)

We are very close to the village now and in front of us, just on the edge of the forest, is a dilapidated shack. It looks like a good spot to spend the night and observe the village.


Shack in the woods

Gather Information: action(2)+wits(4) vs. 6,7 = Miss
Price: threat

we sneak into the shack and start moving the junk and rubbish stored there to clear an area for us to rest. As Zanita removed an old woven basket, a Marsh Rat pounced out of the rubbish straight at her.

Enter the Fray (ambush): action(6)+wits(4) vs. 3,8 = Strong Hit (gain initiative)
Progress = 0

**We did combat wrong - review combat progress vs. harm**

We leapt back, Zanita taking a swing at the rat with the basket. She did not hit the rat but it was enough to distract it momentarily. Zanita drew her sword and I readied my spear. The rat came at us and we both moved forward and struck at the same time.

Strike: action(1)+iron(3) vs. 1,9 = Weak Hit (lost initiative)
Progress + 3 = 3

We inflicted some damage but we moved into a section of the shed that’s covered in clutter making movements more difficult. The rat took advantage of this and struck at me.

Clash: action(2)+iron(3) vs. 4,9 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Guard (8), Debt (48)

I managed to spear the rat and it retreated a bit, but my spear broke leaving the tip embedded in the animal’s flank. Maddened by the injury it look a bit at Zanita.

Clash: action(6)+iron(3) vs. 8,5 = String Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Charge (99), Strategy (99)

She dodged aside and swung her sword at the rat hitting it on the shoulder.

End the Fight 10 vs. 9,8 = Strong Hit
Make Camp 3 vs. 10,2 = Weak Hit

Zanita’s strike was good and the rat fell down dead at her feet. After a few minutes to recover, we finished clearing the floor and rested that night; I also recovered my spear head. We had reached the village.

Reach Your Destination 9 vs. 1,4 = Strong
Option: +1 on next roll

More rats

In the morning we walked into the village: to cover our tracks we first travelled South-East until we hit the coastal path and then turned towards the village. It was just to give people the impression that we had travelled along the path the entire journey.

As we got to the edge of the village we encountered a couple: the man was struggling to drag a small fishing boat into the water and a very pregnant woman was watching him. A quiet exchange between us was enough to change course and walk over to the couple. We asked if he needed help with the boat and then assisted him to get it into the water (I’ve found that this kind of simple gesture mostly pays off ten-fold).

Gather Information: action(6)+wits(4) vs. 5,10 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Guard (8), Danger (45)

The assistance with the boat got them talking: her name is Saskia and he is Keelan. Along with most of the village they fished the local seas. Normally they would go out together but her current state prevented that and Keelan was heading out alone. She was clearly worried about this and I asked if there was someone else that could join us and then we heard the bad news.

Rats Eating, Dean Spencer

Over the last few months the village had seen an huge increase in the number of raids by marsh rats. The rats had inflicted severe damage to the village’s supplies and anyone who could was out on the water trying to refill the village’s storehouse before winter started and the weather got worse. This was the reason for the makeshift lighthouse at the edge of the harbour - people were getting desperate and were fishing into the night.

Zanita mentioned our encounter with one of the rats (changing the location, of course) and Saskia brightened up: as most of the village was out fishing, they had not had the opportunity to investigate the situation.

Perhaps we could help?

We tried to be non-committal but Saskia ignored us and insisted that we could help. After saying goodbye to Keelan, she dragged us off to meet with her father Morter, the local blacksmith.

Morter is a little wary of us – it’s understandable, we are strangers and these smaller villages usually get a visit from a merchant once or twice a year. His demeanour changes as he spots the spear I’m carrying – he recognises the runes carved along the shaft and angrily demands where I got it from.

Years ago, I learnt a valuable lesson from a merchant I was working for:

Never reply with anger but righteous indignation

I tell him the truth (well, almost): we spotted the fire at the top of the hill and warmed ourselves overnight before heading to the village. I picked up the spear as mine broke a few days ago. Zanita confirms the story and tries pacifying Morter with a question on why he is behaving this way. I follow on with a similar query.

Arlo/Gather Information: action(4)+wits(4) vs. 3,6 = Strong Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Endure (87), Vow (37)

Morter tells us that there was suppose to be one of village youths, called Jaggar, attending the fire. He was to light the fire at sunset and stay with it for a few hours, then return to the village. He did not show up last evening and nor did he return this morning.

We faint guilt as we raided his food stash in the ruins and offer to help: most of the village had gone out fishing at first light, so we volunteered to return to the hill and search for Jaggar.

Zanita/Swear an Iron Vow: action(1)+heart(2) vs. 1,1 = Strong Hit + Match
Zanita/Forge a Bond: action(6)+heart(2) vs. 6,7 = Strong Hit

Morter seems happy with our vow and introduces us to some of the villagers that are still here (most are out at sea fishing to resupply their larders). A simple meal at the longhouse filled our stomachs and we left for our lodgings. We had managed to pilfer a few of the leftover for a midnight snack, and as we walked to our lodgings one of the village’s stray dog followed us. Zanita, feeling sorry for the mutt, threw it a few morsels.

We rest overnight and with backpacks full of supplies we head back to the hill / makeshift-lighthouse. We make good time as we aren’t trying to be sneaky and arrived late afternoon. The mutt from yesterday followed us out, he seemed to prefer our company instead of the villagers.

Bump in the night

Arriving at the top of the hill, we use what remains of the daylight to search the area.

Arlo/Gather Information: action(2)+wits(4) vs. 3,6 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Deflect (18), Solution (22)

We missed it the other night, but there’s a trail heading in a westerly direction, from the track it looks like a scuffle has taken place and someone, possible Jaggar, was carried/dragged away. The other night we had taken some supplies from a small room at the bottom of the ruins and it looks like someone had rummaged through the room after we left.

Zanita suggest that we setup a trap for whoever it is and luckily there some rope, wood and old fishing nets scattered around the ruins to create a simple trap - we baited it with some of the food we brought with us from the village.

We also promised Morter that we would light the bonfire for the villagers that are out fishing late and we did so. We made sure that the fire had enough fuel for a few hours we retired to one of the rooms in the tower overlooking the path from the village.

Zanita/Make Camp 6+4 vs. 7,7 = Strong Hit+match

Well after midnight, after the fire had died down, the trap was sprung and we were woken by the sound of the trap and our extra party member barking into the dark. We leapt outside but our quarry had managed to avoid the trap and taken off back into the darkness. We decided that we would follow the tracks we found earlier at dawn.

Arlo/Undertake a Journey: action(2)+wits(4) vs. 10,5 = Weak Hit [progress = 3]

We scrambled down the side of the hill, heading west, and back into the forest. The dog, which Zanita has named Lookout, followed along looking a bit smug from his performance last night. To be honest, I’m not sure whether he was protecting us or warning the intruder.

Tree tunnel, England
The forest started out normally, but as we ventured further the flora changed from scattered shrubs and trees into to a tangled mess of brambles. A large patch covered the area ahead of us enveloping the area to the West of the two hills I saw the other day. Looking closely we could see tunnels travelling trough the brambles – I guess they have been worn away by animals travelling through the thickets. It looks like a maze.
Zanita/Undertake a Journey: action(2)+wits(4) vs. 4.6 = Weak Hit [progress+3 = 6]
ASK THE ORACLE: action = 44 bolster 52 passage

Lookout did the usual dog thing an spent a few minutes sniffing around. He decided on a tunnel and heading in with Zanita next – I reluctantly follow into the darkness.

Arlo/Undertake a Journey: action(6)+wits(4) vs. 10,5 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Learn (95), Leader (11)

Lookout led us to a small clearing in the brambles which has the appearance of a nest: the branches had been cut to make the clearing and the ground had been smoothed. Amongst the detritus littering the floor of the nest are a number of crude sketches of the town and the ruins on the the hill. I can’t explain it, but they gave off a feeling of dread/threat, especially the drawings of the ruins.

Zanita/Reach Your Destination @progress=9 vs. 4,7 = Strong
Zanita/Resupply: action(2)+wits(4) vs. 6,9 = Miss
Pay the price 78 - surprising development
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Debate (82), Survival (7)

Do we find Jaggar's body? small chance = 54 NO
Do we find something of his? 50/50 = 96 YES
Signs of struggle? likely = 3 NO

A single shoe is sitting atop some of the detritus, based on its location I guess that it is a recent addition to the junk. There’s no sign of its owner and after a further look around we decide to head back to the hill and have another go at trapping the intruder.

Arlo/Gather Information: action(5)+wits(4) vs. 2,8 = Strong Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Oppose (60), Hate (49)

HINT: Jaggar's disappearance is about safety rather than violence.

We find no one in the brambles but there’s clear signs that someone has been here recently. We head back to the hill, reset the trap and start the bonfire. Looking into the flames I decide to try to scry: focusing on Jaggar and his whereabouts.

Arlo/SCRY: action(1)+shadow(2) vs. 6,2 = Weak Hit (health = 3)

Arlo/Gather Information: action(1)+wits(4) vs. 8,1 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Control (10), Stranger (51)

The answer is vague as usual: my best guess is that Jaggar has been taken, probably by our intruder, so we reset the trap and settle in for the night. This time we chose a spot at the base of the tower in the darkest shadows we can find. Lookout joins us and immediately falls asleep.

Does our trap work?
YES/NO 36 = Likely=Yes

Just after midnight, when the fire has died down to embers, the trap is sprung and a scream echoes around the hilltop: we have our intruder!

Zanita/Is it an elf?
YES/NO 47 = 50/50= No

We leap up and rush to the trap, a young man is trapped in the old fishing nets we used and is struggling to extract himself from the netting.

Zanita and I try to calm him down.

Zanita/Compel: action(5)+iron(3) vs. 5,10 = Miss
Pay the price: 23 unintended effect

Arlo/Compel: action(3)+heart(2)-1 vs. 9,6 = Miss

Initially our efforts have no effect on his behaviour, he seems particularly agitated by Zanita’s presence so she moves back into the shadows and leaves me to try to calm the youth. It was a slow process to get him quiet and focused. Lookout’s presence seems to help as well.

Yes, a youth. He’s clearly seen better days: his clothing is dirty and ragged. For some reason he is wearing a poorly-made wooden mask much like Elves wear.

It appears we have captured a disturbed youth who believes that he is an elf called Jemshida. I question him for a while, bribing him with food to extract answers…

Jem (for short) is from the village and some time ago he and his mother, Emelyn, were banished and a little while later they were separated, leaving Jem alone in the forest besides the village. I can’t extract any real details from him as his isolation has affected him badly: I try to go over the story a few times to jog his memory but the timeline and his account get mixed up every time we go through it.

(I also suspect that Zanita’s presence is reminding Jem of his lost mother.)

I try a different tactic: get him talking about his nest in the brambles. I mentioned how we found the nest with Lookout’s help and how cosy it was. This seems to clear his head a little and he starts talking about his life in the woods (struggling to survive alone). I gradually move the discussion towards the sketches we found and his fear(?) of the ruins.

ASK THE ORACLE: action = Escalate (91), Safety (6)

Bad mistake. He mumbles a few things and shuts-down: refusing to respond. From what I can gather when he was younger something happened to his mother at the ruins and he’s now obsessed with them. His current situation, isolated from both the village and his mother, is making things worse: causing flashbacks that make him further confused and disoriented.

I try to get him to focus and ask further questions, specifically about Jaggar.

Q: do you know where Jaggar is?
YES/NO 15 = Almost Certain=Yes

Is Jaggar alive? (N.B. when Jem last saw him & possible delusions)
YES/NO 96 = 50/50?Yes

Arlo/Compel: action(4)+heart(2) vs. 3,8 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Restore (68), Wealth (97)

Yes, Jem does know where Jaggar is and the last time they were together Jaggar was well (to put it in Jem’s words “he’s now safe” - I assume safe from whatever threat the ruins hide).

Further encouragement from me gets him to focus and he is willing to take us to see Jaggar, on one condition…

Restore Jem and his mother’s position in the village

Arlo/Swear an Iron Vow: action(2)+heart(2) vs. 2,8 = Weak Hit
ASK THE ORACLE: action = Transform (50), Renown (17)

While Jem and I have been talking, Zanita has been quietly moving towards us into the light of the bonfire and gradually joining in on the conversation. We both swear to clear Emelyn’s name from what ever she has been accused of and they can return back to the village. The reason for their banishment is still unclear and seems to be wrapped up in Jem’s fear of the ruins. Oh well, we’ve had worse missions.

One thing that popped up in our conversations was that Jem was the one sabotaging the village’s supplies in a act of revenge - hopefully we can stop that.

As the dawn lights up the hill we move down the path into the forest heading towards the brambles. Jem becomes a little more talkative as we venture into the forest and tells us about a small clearing hidden within the brambles. This is where Jaggar is being kept (“safe”). We take a different path through the brambles and exit in the clearing: it’s actually a nice spot to camp. There’s fresh water in a little stream and a few trees have taken root amongst a scattering of wildflowers.

There’s more to come…

A lot more editing of our rough notes.