RPG Maps


A small fishing village, located on the Ragged Coast. Population 80-100 depending on the time of the year, warmer months sees an increase due to the increased fishing and trading activities.

Quest starter: the fishing boats are being vandalised each night and you are asked to investigate by a family member in the village.



A small village, centered around a fort. One day I’ll make up a background brief for the village.



Brittlewen is a small mining town controlled by the Iron Mongers cartel.

The majority of the villagers are miners who travel to the mines on the Western side of the river near the volcanos. They are forced to sell the raw materials to the Mongers, who control the forges and distribution.

Over time the Mongers have grown rich by selling the forged iron and the town has grown to become a distribution centre for local towns and villages along the Ragged Coast. This has generated an influx of merchants that use the town as a stop-over as they travel along the coast. The town has expanded quickly, usually by outsiders that have arrived to provide support services to the merchants, for example inns, warehouses and “entertainment” venues.

The newcomers have exposed a distinct divide between the Mongers, merchants and the miners. This has created tension between the groups and has led to violence by some of the hot-heads within these communities.

Quest starter: someone is killed and you have been asked to investigate by one of the merchants.


Other maps


A map for the Trilemma Adventure Stellarium Of The Vinteralf. The first map is the surrounding region, with a small town on the coast and paths to the glacier.

Possible background: the volcano has erupted and this has affected the weather in the local area…

  • exposing the ruins and allowing easier access; or
  • warming the area, making it less hostile and suitable for exploration.


This is my version of the stellarium’s main floor, hidden under the glacier’s ice.


Quest starter: Your employer, a merchant or wizard, went to explore the stellarium and has not been heard from. You travel to the town to find them.
