1841 NSW Census

The first Thews in Australia, John & Mary, were in Sydney for the 1841 census and their response is detailed in the following table. Note that that the document is damaged on one side and I’m not able to make out the responses to a couple of questions—they are marked with an X in the table. Images of the census form are below.

Children under Twox0
2 – 7x1
7 – 14x1
14 – 21x1
21 – 45x1
Born in Colony32
Arrived Free22

So that’s 5 males and 4 females in the family.

The family

John & Mary had two children and their approximate ages in 1841…

ChildBornAge in 1841

I guess that the age in 1841 value may be off by one – it depends on the child’s birthday and when the census was performed.

The Children

Since I can’t make out the ages of the male children, I’ll stick to the four females and add their names to the census answers.

Age rangeFemalesNames
Under Two0Mary was born after the census was held(?)

Images of the census form

I scanned the census form to create the following two images. Note that they are black & white images and I’ve inverted the colours for the entry for John Thew in an attempt to make it a bit more legible.

  • A small image that gives an overall impression of the document and its condition. (160Kb at 1077×818)
  • Full-size image that’s more legible. (1.3 Mb and measures 3079×2338)